Virtual Therapy: Can It Change Mental Health Care Forever?

Does the start of 2024 feel like we’re all participating in an unsolicited stress test to anyone else? As the days have turned into weeks and weeks to months, we are already heading into the last month of Q1 and sometimes it just hasn’t felt like there are enough hours in the day.

If you’ve found yourself whispering (or shouting) “I need a break” into your coffee cup, you’re not alone. So where do you look for solace in times of stress?

Enter virtual therapy – our digital-age knight in shining armor, ready to swoop in and save our collective sanity.

Think about it: In a time when our social feeds are a mix of cat videos and chaos, virtual therapy slides into our DMs like an old friend, saying, “Hey, let’s talk.”

It’s got us wondering: Could this be the game-changer mental healthcare has been waiting for?

Here at DKMD Consulting, we’re all about cutting through the buzz and getting down to what really matters. As everything around us keeps evolving, we’re here to chat about how virtual therapy isn’t just a trend. It’s a revolution.

So, grab your favorite snack, and let’s get into it.

The Rise of Telemedicine Therapy

Remember the supposed “good old days”, when seeing a therapist meant traveling to an office, sitting in a waiting room filled with outdated magazines, and trying to pour your heart out in a room that often felt way too sterile?

Well, fast forward to today, and things have gotten a whole lot more interesting (and convenient). Read more here about where we see this trend in telemedicine going with our article, “Is This the End of In-Person Doctor Visits?

From Couch to Cloud

Virtual therapy is like the Netflix of mental health care – it’s brought the therapy session right into your living room. No more worrying about running into your nosy neighbor or getting stuck in traffic. It’s all about getting that much-needed talk therapy session in between your binge-watching sessions or right after a midnight snack.

Stats That Make You Go “Hmm”

And let’s talk numbers for a sec because, wow, have they skyrocketed. Since everyone and their dog started doing everything online, virtual therapy sessions have shot through the roof.

With the onset of COVID 19 lockdowns, according to data released in late 2023, mental health telemedicine visits experienced the largest uptick in Q2 of 2020 with a 65.5% increase (1).

A few years removed from the height of the pandemic, as of Q3 of 2023, online mental health therapy sessions have waned a bit, but are still accounting for 37% of visits. It’s not just a fad; it’s the future and it’s happening right now.

Mental Health Matters: Benefits of Tele-Therapy

So, you’re probably thinking, “Alright, virtual therapy sounds cool, but what’s in it for me?” Great question! Let’s break down why chatting with your therapist from your couch might just be the best thing since sliced bread.

  1. No Place Like Home

First up, accessibility. If you’re living out in the sticks or you just can’t stand the thought of another commute, virtual therapy comes to you. It’s like having a therapist in your pocket, ready to lend an ear whether you’re in your PJs or taking a lunch break at work. Who said you can’t have your cake and eat it too?

  1. More Bang for Your Buck

Then there’s the cost. Let’s face it, therapy session costs can be pricey, and not all of us have a money tree in the backyard. Virtual therapy often cuts down on costs like rent for fancy office spaces, which means those savings can trickle down to you. More therapy for less dough? Yes, please!

  1. Just Between Us

Worried about bumping into someone you know in the waiting room? Virtual therapy’s got you covered with a VIP pass to anonymity and privacy. It’s all about creating a safe space where you can open up without the fear of being overheard or seen. Your secrets are safe here.

  1. Your Schedule, Your Rules

And let’s talk about flexibility. Night owl or early bird, virtual therapy fits into your schedule like that perfect pair of jeans. It’s therapy that understands you’ve got a life, offering sessions when you need them, not just between 9 to 5. Say goodbye to rearranging your day just to talk about your feelings.

Does it Work?

As with any big change like this, a bit of apprehension is to be expected. Many wonder if the same in-person results are attainable. But fear not!

According to a study released in 2022, 12 randomized controlled trials were conducted involving 931 patients tackling everything from addiction to eating disorders, and even chronic conditions.

Regardless if it was through video, phone, or a mix, the conclusion was crystal clear – the effectiveness of therapy didn’t skip a beat when it jumped online (2).

There was no significant difference in symptom severity, overall improvement, or client satisfaction between virtual and traditional therapy, immediately post-treatment or at follow-up points (3, 6, and 12 months) (2).

Even aspects like the working alliance between clients and therapists were on par. In short, whether you’re sharing your deepest fears over a screen or in a cozy office, the therapeutic journey remains equally potent (2).

If that isn’t enough beautiful science data for you, another study released mid 2023 showed similar results. Twenty trials with 7,414 records addressed mental health disorders like posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (9 trials), depressive disorder (6 trials), a mix of different disorders (4 trials), and general anxiety disorder (1 trial) (3).

The findings? No significant difference in treatment efficacy, patient satisfaction, or attrition rates across a diverse range of conditions. Even the connection between patient and therapist mirrored the in-person experience, despite the varied digital formats (3).

So, for anyone still on the fence about digitizing their mental health journey, let these findings be your green light.

Ready to Revolutionize Mental Health Care in Your Business? Let's Talk.

As we peel back the layers on virtual therapy, it’s clear: this isn’t just the future; it’s the now. And who better to guide you through this revolution than DKMD Consulting? If you’re looking to stay on top of the latest medical trends through our insightful blog or aiming to bring unparalleled medical authority to your brand, we’re here for it.

At DKMD Consulting, we don’t just follow trends; we set them. With our finger firmly on the pulse of medical marketing innovation, we’re here to help your business not just meet but exceed your clientele’s expectations. From deep dives into virtual therapy to bespoke marketing strategies that put your brand on the map, our expertise is your advantage.

Don’t let your business get left behind in the digital transformation of healthcare.

Connect with us today, and let’s make your mark in the medical industry together. For a future where your brand leads, backed by the authority and innovation DKMD Consulting is known for, reach out. We’re ready when you are.


  1. Bartelt, K., Piff, A., Allen, S., & Barkley, E. (2023, November 21). Telehealth Utilization Higher Than Pre-Pandemic Levels, but Down from Pandemic Highs. Epic Research. Retrieved February 25, 2024.
  2. Greenwood, H., Krzyzaniak, N., Peiris, R., Clark, J., Scott, A., Cardona, M., Griffith, R., & Glasziou, P. (2022). Telehealth Versus Face-to-face Psychotherapy for Less Common Mental Health Conditions: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. JMIR Mental Health, 9(3), e31780.
  3. Shaker, A. A., Austin, S. F., Storebø, O. J., Schaug, J. P., Ayad, A., Sørensen, J. A., Tarp, K., Bechmann, H., & Simonsen, E. (2023). Psychiatric Treatment Conducted via Telemedicine Versus In-Person Modality in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Mood Disorders, and Anxiety Disorders: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. JMIR Mental Health, 10, e44790.

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